Freitag, 16. März 2007

Fotowettbewerb zum Thema "ungehindert behindert"

2. Platz bei Fotowettbewerb

Integration: Österreich hat von 1. Juni 2005 bis 20. Dezember 2005 gemeinsam mit dem VÖAV (Verband der Österreichischen Amateurfotografen-Vereine) einen Wettbewerb zum Thema "ungehindert behindert" durchgeführt.

72 Schwarzweiß- und Farbfotos von 29 FotografInnen sind in diesem Zeitraum eingelangt.
Sie zeigen Szenen aus den Bereichen Arbeitswelt, Freizeit, Wohnen, Familie, Partnerschaften etc.
Alexander Schneider belegte mit seinem
beeindruckenden Foto "Martin Hofstädter"
den 2.ten Platz in der Kategorie Farbfotos. 2. Platz bei Fotowettbewerb

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At the last auction auction house Christie's in New York there was an unpleasant event. case of Andy Warhol "Liz" 1963 age consistent with the image of the face of Elizabeth Taylor sold for only 23 million dollars. and if the starting price set at 25 million and if the desire to just "Liz" and the desire to just "Christie!" exactly in exactly a day at Sotheby's were left orphaned masterpieces by Picasso, Van Goghotya Miro. same high-quality "Morning" by Paul Gauguin, written in Tahiti, was bought below face value - only $ 35 million instead of the declared minimum of 40. does not otherwise gentlemen auctioneers will go to earnings, and water. However, the lure of 4 million with Gauguin Sotheby's picks. All these disturbing reports from the global trading were willing and really funny, if you wish not bylkrome cynical. Not for the first year of masters and ordinary citizens in all continents convince many to pay 100 million for Picasso - an easy one. That only Christie's throw by Van Gogh, then surely line up behind him and foremost businessmen lean and green notes of not less than 30-50 million, about Russian art - be it Terry classics of the XIX century, or the army of the twentieth century - and say nothing. British art dealers do not get tired of a declaration of love for the Russian oligarchs, for which there is no greater fun than pereshibit price and buy the entire collection in the root (as happened with the collection of Rostropovich-Vishnevskaya).

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